Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Resting in Dark Faith Unknowing Love


Joy of Dark Faith ~ beyond wrong and right (Poem)

Jul 9, 2018

All is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

We Share One Life, We Are One Life


Prayerful Silence calms the questioning mind
looking for an anchor in belief
so 'what I think is right'
so 'what you think is wrong'
all such contrast dissolves in the Silence
faith becomes a knowing more intimate and direct
than can be received by the mind
you will see, as you grow into oneness with Silence,
less and less interest in answers
more and more contentment in embracing the joy of dark faith
knowing by not-knowing
not-knowing becoming Prayer
a resting, a bathing in the mystery and vitality of Grace
though you have no explanation of what Grace is
you, then, have grown beyond felt-need for reliance on beliefs
though they may linger in the background
you have entered, rather, the way of unceasing discovery
unlike beliefs, this discovery
is ever-fresh and pulsating with
each moment of life
every breath you breathe
each beat of your heart with all Creation
and, now, you can love in a new way
so 'what I think is right'
so 'what you think is wrong'
has been burned up in the fires of holy Presence
you, having become a child again, grown all up,
like the once just-born-baby you were who saw everyone alike
before any veil before those little eyes
that ancient veil shrouding the heart with
'wrong' and 'right'
lying ashes at your feet
to remind you of how your eyes once did see ~
thankfully no more

* * *

*All material, unless another source is cited, is authored by the presenter of Lotus of Heart, Brian Kenneth Wilcox, Florida USA. Use of the material is permitted; Brian only requests that credit be given and to be notified at 77ahavah77@gmail.com .

*Brian's book, An Ache for Union, is available through major booksellers.

*Move cursor over pictures for photographer and title.

The Sacred in Me bows
to the Sacred in You


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Resting in Dark Faith Unknowing Love

©Brian Wilcox 2024